Wollaston Lake hosts Northern Pike, Lake Trout, Walleye, and Arctic Grayling, the four species required to land the title of Canadian Grand Slam–earned by landing one of each during a single fishing trip.
And to ensure there will be plenty of these trophy fish in these waters for many years to come, we’ve been practicing a catch and release program since the 1980s and enforcing the mandated use of barbless hooks. If a Grand Slam is your goal, let our guides know!
Big Fish in a Big Lake
Only a handful of lakes in North America are home to all four species of fish, and anglers are lured from near and wide to try their hand at catching them. Fed by two major rivers, the water in Wollaston Lake is highly oxygenated, which makes for a very healthy ecosystem and accounts for the monstrous size of fish living under the surface.

Northern Pike (Esox Lucius)
This is the fish anglers are most often hankering to catch. Their speed, bad attitude, and faceful of teeth make them one the most entertaining game fish in the world. Wollaston Lake produces monster Northern Pike, weighing in at 20-30 pounds, and this has made our body of water a bit of a legend in the angling world. Although seasonal patterns affect Pike fishing, our knowledgeable guides stay in touch with the trophy Northern Pike movements every day.

Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush)
Lake Trout are members of the salmon family and the largest fish under the char umbrella, closely related to Dolly Varden, Brook Trout, and Arctic Char. Capable of growing to enormous sizes, the average catch on Wollaston runs from 5 to 15 pounds. Most anglers have only experienced Lakers in their normal deepwater environment, but Wollaston Lake’s cold water provides the unique opportunity to fish them near the surface for a large part of our season—from early June until late July. At this depth, this shy fish becomes a real tiger. Trout then go as deep as 90 feet until spawning between late August and mid-September.

Walleye (Stizostedion Vitreum)
This classy game fish abounds in the smaller surrounding lakes and streams. Walleye is also available in the river that flows by the Lodge. This fish runs in the 2 to 4 pound range when you get this far north, and they tend to concentrate in the 8 to 10 foot holes throughout the season. Though not large in comparison to other species, the action is fast enough to satisfy the most avid angler and offers a superb shore lunch.

Arctic Grayling (Thymalis Arcticus)
Pound for pound, the Grayling is considered one of the best-fighting freshwater fish. Often called the sailfish of the north, the Arctic Grayling is part of the Salmonidae family and only found in clean, untouched areas. Because these fish aren’t readily caught in the main lake, Grayling fishing requires a fly out trip. These fish fight on the surface, similar to a Smallmouth Bass, clearing the water in spectacular leaps and dancing on their tails. Grayling can be caught throughout June, July, and August, and we record numerous 1 to 3 pounders each year.

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