Trip 5: June 25 – June 28, 2024


Some traditions you hear about have some very humble beginnings.

Sometimes it’s just a happenstance occurence of being in the right situation. Right place, right time, you know what I mean. A first trip with your Dad and Grandpa turns into a yearly outing. Half the battle is just showing up.

Over time, some of these occurrences just keep happening and they become convenient traditions. Others are planned and eventually realized as a traditional fishing trip.

This just so happens to be one of those stories. A boy who came to us as an eager 11yr old has now become a young man. At 20yrs old now, he has enjoyed time with his family here on 9 trips. Watching young people grow into young adults is one of those fulfilling qualities this work has.

This story is not unique within our 25 years of owning the lodge, but to see him catch the largest northern in his life at 48″ was quite a joy. We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for him or the other families who are a part of ours.